
The BAM Development Lab focuses on bilingual development (from infancy to adulthood) from theoretical and clinical perspectives:

  • Theory-based research include projects looking at the physiological aspects of attention allocation during spoken language processing in bilinguals using eyetracking, EEG and heart rate. Additionally, a series of eyetracking studies has been conceived to understand whether monolinguals and bilinguals use contextual social cues differently across the lifespan.

  • The clinical line of research includes the development of assessment and intervention tools that are appropriate for bilingual populations, specifically at pre-literacy screening level and evaluating whether the bilingual experience affects recovery in clinical populations, potentially to inform speech-language/cognitive interventions. Another line of research includes using artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze typical/atypical developing children’s language behaviour, specifically with young children’s babbling production and for diagnostic purposes in language disorder identification.

Check out out our ongoing research projects and systematic reviews!